
Spotted Redshank

Tringa erythropus

鹤鹬(英文名:Spotted Redshank,学名:Tringa erythropus),是鸻形目丘鹬科鹬属的鸟类。英文名直译为点斑红脚鹬。中等体型(30厘米)的红腿灰色涉禽。嘴长且直,繁殖羽黑色具白色点斑。冬季似红脚鹬,但体型较大,灰色较深,嘴较长且细,上嘴基红色较少。两翼色深并具白色点斑,过眼纹明显。迁徙时常见于中国大部分省份。常结群活动,喜沼泽或水域浅水处活动,喜淡水,极少出现在盐沼区域,能在水中游泳。以各种水生昆虫、幼虫、软体动物、甲壳动物、鱼、虾等为食。

繁殖区: PAL : low Arctic to subarctic wooded tundra of n Palearctic: n, c Scandinavia e through inland Russia to c Chukotskiy Pen. (ne Siberia)
非繁殖区: sw PAL, AF, OR : subtropical to tropical inland and coastal wetlands of Paleotropics (except Australasia): s British Is. and Canary Is. (Macaronesia, w of n Africa) to tropical Africa, Middle East, s, se Asia to se China and Taiwan









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